Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 19

Ryan had a bad day. One of his teachers called me to tell me that he had several meltdowns and he was acting differently than he has been the last two weeks. She said he was whiny and cried because he finished his snack and wanted more. We haven't given him anything new in the past 24 hours so I'm not sure why this happened. He flipped out on the car ride home because Phil had to stop for gas and he wouldn't let Ryan get out of the car. He then cried even harder when Phil drove a different way home due to his detour to the gas station. The only thing I can think of is that he deviated slightly from the diet the day before when he grabbed Julia's bag of pretzels instead of his own. He had 2 or 3 mini pretzels before we stopped him. Note to self...we need to come up with a color code system or something similar so that he doesn't accidentally eat someone else's food. At home we can just switch Julia over to some of the GF snacks (although she is not taking a liking to them the way Ryan has). But at school he's going to have other kids' food around him all of the time. Who knows... maybe he snuck more non-GFCG food that we don't know about.

On a positive note, he took his dose of cod liver oil much better last night. We mixed one part oil with one part water. This helped to dilute it and not be so oily. We then gave it to him in two different syringe sessions. This is the first day that he hasn't spite some of it out. I don't know if it is because he is getting used to the taste or because we diluted it, but I'm going to keep diluting it in the future!

Off to Dr. Bock tomorrow morning! Our November 8th appointment got moved up to this week...Miracle! Dr. Bock is a specialist, a DAN! (Defeat Autism Now!) doctor.


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