Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 41

Happy Birthday Phil!

Ryan, Julia, and I were invited to Phil's job to join in the celebration for his birthday. Ryan did very well eating his GFCF cookies while everyone else had birthday cake. Prior to this diet he would have had a full-fledged meltdown if we told him he couldn't eat chocolate cake. But he was content eating his cookies.

Prior to that he had his second "interview" for a new school this fall, and the directors feel he will fit right in and accepted our application. One more thing to check off of our list of things to take care of to set up Ryan's schooling for September.

Phil thought we could go out to dinner at the Outback but at 4:30 the kids were "off the wall" and we thought it best to stay in for dinner. Ryan didn't have much of an appetite. We made turkey burgers and put his on GF toasted bread but he only ate about 1/3 of it. He was a bit cranky the rest of the evening and I'm thinking it may have been from something he ate earlier in the day.

We began him on another supplement tonight, a type of vitamin E. It is the 4th one that Dr. Bock suggested out of the 6 we took home. So combine these four with the three we were already doing prior to seeing Dr. Bock, and we're up to 7. It took over 10 minutes before just to prep all of his "medicines". Some are liquid and were added to his drink. The capsules were broken open and mixed with other foods.

We have a friend coming over for dinner tomorrow night. I think we might try our first take out pizza since we started the diet. We'll put Ryan's pizza in the oven and get him psyched about it and then maybe he won't feel so bad when he sees the box from the pizzeria. We'll let you know how it goes! Until then...


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