Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 32


With all of the progress that Ryan has been making we sometimes forget that he is only 4 and he will still have his meltdowns. When we went to pick him up today his teacher told us that he was off today. He was fighting with his friends and that he was very upset, throwing his water bottle across the room and was having a melt down. We figured out that the afternoon snack was pretzels and we did not pack pretzels for him as a snack. He was not happy and it took about 40 minutes for him to calm down. We even went to vote for the school budget and he needed about 15 minutes in the car to calm down. But once he did he wanted to go and vote. He then told Dawn, who took Julia in with her, that he pulled the lever to vote today.

Even with all the progress and all of the positives that he has been having, we still have to be on the look out for issues. He is still taking him a lot longer to get over disappointments and he easily reverts to previous behaviors when he is upset. Hopefully with time he can learn new ways of dealing with disappointments.

On a positive note, we tried a GF/CF fish stick for dinner and he ate it with his special ketchup. It is a secret recipe of organic ketchup, probiotic, and the sugar companion. The sugar companion is a new supplement that is designed to curb the sweets and help the body break down carbohydrates. They are both a capsule but since he does not know how to take them we had to figure out a way for him to take these without tasting them (for they taste terrible!).

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for him.


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