Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 16

Another fabulous day! He sat with me for an hour playing different board games, including Chess. He actually said, "Mama, will you play with me?" Of course he didn't play the way adults play, but he made up the game as we went along and was content simply moving the pieces around. He took the balls for the Chinese Checkers game and arranged them into different patterns. He got a really good fine motor workout in! I've never seen him sit still for one whole hour and stay entertained playing games. At one point I leaned over and kissed his head. Normally he would squirm away from me, and then wipe his head where I touched it. This time he looked at me and said, "Thank you, Mama." How lucky am I to get my Mother's Day gift a week early? He melted my heart. What a gentle soul!

Ryan's appetite has returned. He ate well all day, and did not have a meltdown when he asked for something he wasn't allowed to have and we didn't give it to him. In fact, he already knew he wasn't allowed to have it, but he half-heartedly asked already knowing the answer. And it wasn't like he was devastated or felt deprived he couldn't have it. He drank the rice milk again today, but we tried pear juice and he didn't like it. For dinner he ate a hot dog (no bun), an entire boneless chicken breast, and a bowl of rice. He's still not interested in vegetables, but we'll take whatever victories we can get.


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