Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 44

Ryan's first overnight trip since we started the diet. We are up at my mom's house for the night. They were prepared with several items that Ryan can eat, and everything is working out fine so far. We made sure we packed all of his supplements, and Ryan took them with no problem this evening. He had several onlookers who clapped for him and he was proud!

Ryan's skin has improved greatly. Dr. Bock said that we need to "lubricate his body from the inside out". That is what the fatty acids and fish oils are doing. His skin is almost as soft and smooth as it was when he was a baby. He scratches a lot less than he used to, and his cheeks are red and blotchy on occassion rather than daily. We've noticed a lot of the same changes with Julia, who has dry skin issues as well. Once she realized how much attention Ryan gets during "supplement time" she started demanding medicine and vitamins. We give her omega-3 vitamins in the form of a gummy bear and she loves them. She is proud of her softer skin and when I ask her why her skin is so smooth she says because she takes her vitamins.

It was nice this weekend to see family that we don't get to see too often. They had nice things to say about Ryan's progress and because they haven't seen him in a while they noticed a big change. I saw the progress a lot in the beginning and now it seems as if things have hit a plateau. It is easy to forget how awful things used to get at times and I question if they were really all that bad or if it was "in our heads". When I hear a family member comment on how much he has changed it validates what we are doing and what we have done. I guess I have to get used to the fact that this "new" behavior is going to hopefully be the "norm".


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