Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 30

Today we added a new supplement from Dr. Bock's list. This is now the 5th supplement and we have four more sitting in the shopping bag just waiting to be opened. We haven't added a new one in about a week so we figured we'd give it a try. This one is called Sugar Companion. I didn't know much about it so I looked it up and found that it is supposed to help reduce cravings for sweets. This was a big problem for Ryan before we started this diet and continues to be an issue, although it has diminished somewhat. I'm not sure how long it takes to work its way into the system but it didn't take effect today. He's been craving salty foods the past few days and that continued today. He asked for chips countless times, to the point where we gave in and let him have 2nd and 3rd helpings. It was out of control and by the afternoon we were super frustrated. He also asked several times for lollipops and cookies.

Phil's mom visited for lunch and Ryan was very talkative (he started some of the conversations) and made lots of eye contact. She noticed the recent improvements he's been making, even a few new ones after just seeing him last week for his birthday.

For dinner I made a GFCF pizza from scratch. He ate a little bit but wasn't crazy about it; the crust was bumpy looking and he said it had potatoes on it! It didn't help that Julia took one bite and made an announcement about how yucky it was. At Nature's Pantry today I found a GFCF frozen pizza and purchased it to try out. I would love to find pizza that Ryan is content with. I miss eating pizza at home, but can't bring myself to ordering it and then telling him he can't have it. Same goes with Chinese food. We used to order Chinese take out at least 2 times a month. Since we started this diet we haven't ordered out at all.

Most of the homemade pizza got wrapped up and put into the fridge and he ended up having toast before bed. We wanted him to have a full stomach before his 12 hour fast for his bloodwork. We spent time warning him about the morning and telling him that he was going to wake up, go to the doctor, and then eat breakfast. He asked if he could have cookies and we said yes. So we had him practice saying the routine aloud: wake up, go to the doctor, eat a cookie.

It was a very stressful day for me worrying about him going for bloodwork in the morning.


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