Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 64

Ryan was wild today.  I don't know if it was something he ate, but his erratic behavior lasted most of the day.  At times he was defiant and violent.  He didn't want to follow a routine, and he had this non-stop energy.  In the afternoon we were able to bribe him with a lollipop to sit still so that my mom could cut his hair.  She got about 3/4 of the way through and he decided he was finished sitting there.  While I would have liked to force him to sit there, I was happy that he agreed to get his haircut and didn't want to push my luck.  If I force him, next time he may not be willing to sit there.  I figured it was more important that he trusted we would stop when he wanted us to, rather than have a perfect haircut.  Maybe we'll be surprised and tomorrow he'll let her finish the job.  My guess is it will be several days, maybe even weeks before he is a willing participant. 

Once 6pm hit he started to wind down and we were able to leave the kids at home with my parents.  Phil and I finally had a chance to go out to dinner by ourselves to celebrate his birthday.  We're a month late, but we're glad we had the chance to go.  We went for Japanese hibachi, something we both enjoy and have taken the kids to a few times.  Now that Ryan is on a GFCF diet, it doesn't seem like a possibility for all four of us to go together anymore.  Since there is gluten in soy sauce, there isn't anything on the menu we would be able to feed to Ryan, unless maybe plain white rice.

Father's Day tomorrow.  We are surprising the kids and taking them to see Toy Story 3.


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