Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 58

This morning Ryan was so excited to show Dawn his drawings.  He spent most of the morning drawing in a coloring book that he got from my mom the day before.  He spent about 15 minutes telling Dawn a story about the drawing of an ambulance and how she had to go to the doctor yesterday.  He was so animated and involved in the story it was great to see.  Another thing that keeps us going and motivating us to continue on the diet and supplements.  It was so great to see him engaging in the story that he was telling Dawn.

He also wanted us to bring down a plastic table from his room so that he and Julia could play restaurant with in the middle of the living room.  He even went so far as to ask Dawn to move the little kitchen set in to the middle of the floor so the table would fit better with all four chairs.  They played this set for almost an hour straight and had a grand time.

Tonight we had company over that had not seen Ryan since the second day that we started him on the diet.  They could not believe the changes that he had shown in such a short time.  They were blown away with him engaging them in play and story time with his Thomas the Tank Engine set.  They told us that to them his vocabulary and language had progressed so far they could not believe that they were seeing the same child. 

A great day!


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