Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 54

Today Ryan did something that he never would have been able to do before the diet.  In the afternoons at his day care facility they combine classes as other children get picked up.  One of the activities that they do is a child is selected to "read" a story to the class.  This usually involves one child picking a book, sitting in the teacher chair, and "reading" the story to the class.  Before this diet, Ryan would never have been able to handle everyone looking at him, sitting long enough, or having the vocabulary to explain the story.  However, today he was selected and he went right up and did great.  He turned the book around to show everyone what was happening in the pictures and explained what was happening.  They told us that he he acted like the teacher.  He told other children to sit down, pay attention, and called on others to count the clouds in the picture.  What a difference in such a short amount of time.  The two teachers in the room still can not believe the difference in him. 

When I went to his room to pick him up he was playing with four other boys racing cars around a small track.  He was playing with the children and interacting with them.  In the past, he would be playing in the same area but playing alone with no interaction with the other children.  Today was a different story and it was great to see him playing with other children.  In the past, the other children in the program would not play with him because his meltdowns were so unpredictable.  Now he is right in the middle of things and having a good time. 

A good day for Ryan.  The only down side is that Dawn caught what Ryan, Julia, and I had, she is so sick! 


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