Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 2

Today went more smoothly than I expected. He did not have a big appetite, and accepted the foods we gave him. He left behind the things he didn’t like, but didn’t make a big deal about wanting other foods. Once or twice he asked for something that he couldn’t have and I told him he couldn’t have it because it will hurt his stomach; he seemed to accept that response and dropped the issue. There were two notable behavior changes: he actually asked to use scissors to practice cutting paper (this is a first!) and he replied to my “thank you” with a “you’re welcome” (a rare occurrence!).

He ate eggs and the GF bread for breakfast. The bread is much better when toasted, and when it has a little "butter" on it. We found a Vegan margarine spread that is GF/CF. It spreads well when the bread is warm.

Ryan usually doesn't eat rice but he ate white rice for dinner along with organic chicken grilled on the barbecue. We even ventured out for dessert to meet friends. Friendly's didn't have any ice cream that Ryan could have (we called ahead to be prepared) but they said we could bring our own. We purchased vanilla soy ice cream. I asked them to drizzle a tiny bit of peanut butter sauce on top for him, and then also ordered the same for the rest of the family so that his dessert looked just like everyone elses.

We gave him a bath and tried out a new organic gluten-free soap/shampoo that I purchased from Hannaford's. The products I ordered online won't be in for another few days so we'll use this in the meantime and hope it does the job!


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