Thursday, July 19, 2012

Week 118 - Get ready for baby!!!

This is the blog entry I started for week 118.  I added a little to it each day, ready to post this weekend.  Since we've had some major developments today, I'm posting this early.  Our next blog will be a baby update!  

Over 39 weeks pregnant and no baby yet!  If there isn't any action in the next couple of days it looks like I will be induced in the middle of this upcoming week.  My good camera has been packed away in my hospital luggage for the past two weeks so I haven't been taking many pictures.  But I have taken my old camera out and am forcing myself to capture some of these pre-baby moments and do have a couple to share this week.

First, we'll start with the baby bump at 39 weeks:

And now for a super cute story about Ryan.  With Julia at dance camp during the day all of this week, it has been just Ryan and I hanging around the house, trying to keep busy.  It was so hot and humid outside, and I was happy that Ryan was okay with staying indoors and keeping occupied.  We did manage to get out a little bit with a play date with a friend, a visit to the library, and some grocery shopping.  On one of our outings I took Ryan to a store where we usually buy a lot of his GFCF food.  While I was packing the groceries he asked if he could swipe my credit card.  He then proceeded to pick up the electronic pen, and asked, "Do I write your name or mine?"  I told him that it was my name and the lady at the counter told him that he could write it for me.  I asked him if he needed me to spell "Dawn" for him and he said no.  Here's the picture of the credit card terminal screen and the receipt that printed out.  The cashier and I both had a good chuckle when we saw them!

I think I'm getting bigger each day! 

Photo taken by Ryan, who kisses my belly everyday and says he loves me and the baby!
The above photo was taken just about 2 hours before my water broke at home.  Within an hour, and with the help of amazing family and friends, I was transported to the doctor's office to meet Phil, and the kids were taken care of with food and babysitters for the remainder of the day.

At the office it was confirmed that my water had broken and I had begun early stages of labor.  I was admitted into the hospital to spend the night where my contractions can be monitored.  They were very irregular through the night and I didn't sleep much.  But my pain was manageable without pain meds but I was given something to sleep.  I took it at 11 and was up at 1:30.  Hmm...  The doctor will be here to check me in the morning to see if it is necessary to help the contractions along so that this baby comes within the 24 hour window of my water breaking.  That is all of the news I have for now.  It looks like July 19, 2012 will be our new baby's birth date!

We called home to Face Time with the kids before they went to bed and the first words out of Julia's mouth: "Did you have the baby?  What does it look like?"  I think I am most looking forward to Ryan and Julia putting on their special shirts and coming to visit me and meet the new baby tomorrow!

Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers!  Check back in a day or two for a full update on Baby Campbell!

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