Sunday, October 31, 2010

Week 28

Happy Halloween!

A lot happened this week with Halloween parties at school, my mom's birthday celebration, and so many language-based improvements with Ryan.

First, let me post a picture of the kids in their Halloween costumes.  For you Toy Story fans, Ryan and Julia made an adorable Buzz Light Year and Jesse.

We took them Trick-or-Treating to a few houses and they enjoyed themselves.  They had just as much fun answering the door at home and handing out candy to the visitors.

At his school Halloween party Ryan and his classmates visited other teacher's classrooms to "trick or treat".  His teachers tried to have available candy that Ryan is allowed to have but their were times where he received a piece of chocolate.  His teacher wrote me a note saying that Ryan told her he was going to bring the chocolate home to Julia.  Wow!  He's really understanding the whole diet thing we have going on.  I witnessed it first time at his daycare's Halloween party.  Parents had brought in baked goods and were walking around placing the goodies on the kids' plates.  Ryan politely declined cupcakes, brownies, and cookies.  When one mother tried placing a small muffin on his plate, he was unsure if he was allowed to have it, so he turned to me and asked me, and when I told him 'no' he turned to the mom and said he couldn't have it and that he was waiting for his special treats.  Six months ago I never would have believed it if I was told one day we'd get to this point.

I mentioned the improvement in Ryan's language.  There was a noticeable change over the past few days.  He played school with Julia and I and did a great job telling us stories and raising his hand to ask "the teacher" questions.  Phil and I got a good chuckle the other day.  Julia woke up before him and came into our room.  The sun wasn't up yet and she was complaining that she wanted us to get up to bring her downstairs.  Ryan entered the room and asked, "Why is Julia whining?"  We found his tone and comment to be extremely funny (and appropriate). There were several instances this week where Ryan's language was appropriate, his statements were detailed, and his pronunciation was great.

On Friday we celebrated my mom's birthday and we all found it entertaining to watch Ryan take charge of 'cake time'.  He set the table with plates, napkins, and forks. He then asked his Nonna how old she was; she told him 21 (ha!).  He went to the drawer, pulled out the 2 and the 1 candle, and put them on the cake.  At this point my mom felt awful for lying to him because he so innocently believed her, and why wouldn't he?  After placing the candles on the cake and told everyone to wait to start singing until he turned off the lights.  He sang with the rest of us, then he turned the lights on and removed the candles.  Ryan then proceeded to the kids table, sat down in his seat, and began eating the special cupcake that was waiting for him. Ryan also did a nice job during picture time!


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