Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week 26

We seem to have hit a good stride with the injections.  We had 2 more injections this week without Ryan crying.  We even got him to take the injection with Dawn's parents watching on the web cam.  Not exactly what we got the web cam for but it worked.  I think we are over the crying part of the injections.

With all of his injections, oils, medicine, and supplements we noticed that his skin was starting to break out again.  When we missed a few days of the powders, we noticed that his skin was much better.  We are in the process of eliminating a supplement to see if it is the cause of the skin issue.  We think that we have narrowed it down to the last supplement that we gave him but we will have to wait and see how the rest of the week goes.  We will keep you updated. 

My cousin just had a baby and she invited us over for dinner this past weekend.  Of all the people in our family my cousin Melissa has had the most experience with this type of diet.  She has had some severe food allergies and is pretty good about being a Vegan.  She was very excited to cook gluten free pasta for us and Ryan was very excited to see that she had the same butter that he uses at home.  Both Ryan and Julia were great interacting with everyone and they had a great time with their new baby cousin.  We have a video with Ryan singing a lullaby to Luke.  This is a great example of how far Ryan has come on this journey. 

This past Friday evening we were driving home and like most people are exhausted.  So we decided to go out to eat.  We have Ryan's diet down to a science now and finding stuff that he can eat at restaurants has been come less stressful.  Granted as long as we are going to a sit down place; fast food is still out and we are better for it with the kids.  So this Friday we decided to treat the kids to Japanese food, hibachi style.  We have taken the kids in the past but it always scared Ryan with all of the banging and fire on the grill.  This time we went and since it was so early we were the only ones in the hibachi section.  This was the perfect way to get Ryan used to all the noise.  He remember from the last time and kept asking us what color hat the chef was going to be wearing:  red or white?  When the chef came out with the red hat he was so excited.  When he started the show Ryan loved it.  He still backed away from the fire but it was an appropriate reaction to the heat of the fire.  The chef did give us a warning that the fire was coming and we were able to prep the kids but they really enjoyed it.  They were very accommodating with the diet and put aside the chicken and noddles so no soy sauce would get on it.  Soy sauce is a huge wheat product.  It is the first ingredient on the label.  He spent the rest of the weekend imitating the chef.  Ryan said thank you every time the chef put the food on his plate and constantly gave the waitress the thumbs up as she came by to check on us. 

Below is an example of how Ryan is starting to get differences with people, especially his sister.  In the past Ryan was so rigid in his thinking that everyone had to like the same things.  Ryan would rule the TV and always have to be the one to pick the shows.  Now he has learned that he has to share, that Julia likes different things than he does, and it is okay for other people to like things that he does not like.  This understanding of how different people react is a huge step for us and we hope we are on right path with him. 

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