Sunday, July 4, 2010

Week 11

Ryan had a fabulous weekend with our company.  We had some very hot days during the beginning of the week and he spent a lot of time in our little three-ring pool. 

Julia wanted pastina one night and Ryan was very upset that he couldn't have any.  We made him (and ourselves) corn pasta.  But when he saw that Julia was having pastina, he left the table and went to his room to sulk.  He joined us about 10 minutes later to eat his corn pasta (and he even asked for a second helping!)  Note to self: look online for GF pastina, or take regular GF pasta and smash it to tiny pieces before cooking it.

During the middle of the week Ryan developed a rash on his torso area and legs. Poor little guy!  His pediatrician thinks the rash developed from a bout of croup he had in the beginning of the week.  We are treating it with a steroid cream (which is helping with the itchiness) and lots of Aveeno and Aquaphor to help with the eczema-like roughness. 

We headed up to my mom's house on Friday to celebrate the Fourth of July holiday weekend.  We've never taken Ryan to see live fireworks.  First and foremost, he is in bed asleep by 9pm.  Also, he is so sensitive to loud sounds that we never had the desire to keep him awake just to bring him to something that would bother him so much that we sould have to leave.  There are fireworks at the town park, and we are still debating if we will take him.  He had a great two days in the pool.  Suprisingly the chlorine, sun, and sunscreen has not irritated his rash.  The steroid seems to be working and the rash is almost cleared up.

On the food front, my parents bought a new GF cereal that Ryan LOVES.  It's organic too, and called Amazon Frosted Flakes by EnviroKidz.  The ingredients are organic corn meal, organic evaporated cane juice, and sea salt.  He's had several bowls, with his rice milk, since we've arrived.  I'm going to have to pick up a few boxes, and hopefully have no trouble finding it.  They think they purchased it in either Shop Rite or Price Chopper.  We also tried out a new "ice cream" called Purely Decadent Coconut Delight frozen dessert.  It's made with coconut milk and is super creamy.  The adults agreed that it was a tasty treat as long as you are a fan of coconut.

We'll be sure to update you on the fireworks tonight, if we decide to go, and tell you about Ryan's summer school which begins this Tuesday.  HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!


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