Sunday, January 13, 2013

Week 143

Two years ago today we lost Baby Campbell #3.  A lot has happened since then and as difficult of an experience as it was, without it Jack wouldn't be in our lives.  We were too busy today to dwell and be sad, and it is embarrassing to say that I only paused for a moment to look at the ultrasound and remember.

This week Ryan began to take cod liver oil again, as encouraged by our visit to Dr. Cowan.  We are pleased with the ease Phil was able to administer this to Ryan.  Ryan remembered taking it a year ago, and as unpleasant as it is to drink, he is taking it well and the process is over within a minute.  I think back to when we first needed to give this to Ryan and how long it took, and how many shirts he ruined because the oil dribbling out of his mouth stained them.

We attended a birthday party over the weekend and I want to share a sweet story regarding Ryan, a two year old girl, and the pinata.  Numerous times Ryan has been the one at the party that struggles gathering candy and prizes from the pinata.  There are usually bigger and faster kids who push their way to the center and hog the candy.  Ryan often ends up feeling defeated, walking away with a couple of things, crying.  This party was different.  A majority of the kids were very young so Ryan had no trouble gathering loot.  But there were a lot of kids and just behind Ryan was a two year old girl crying because she felt defeated.  Ryan turned to her and took all of the candy that he had gathered in his fist and handed it to her.  She looked at him and continued to cry, not taking the candy from his hands.  So he placed it down in front of her feet so that she could pick it up herself.  I couldn't have been more proud of him!
Ryan with his balloon sword.

Julia after her visit to the face painting station!
 There are times when Ryan refuses to do homework.  It takes a lot to get him to sit down and do more writing, after a long day at school.  This week he surprised us by doing an hour worth of homework.  He read the book, "Are You My Mother?".  After reading a few pages I looked at how many pages there were and asked him if he wanted me to finish it for him.  But he said no.  He wanted to read the whole thing.  It took him 30 minutes but he did it.  I was worried about it taking that long because he then had to write a book report but he did that as well.  He seems to enjoy reading when he knows the words, or when there are only a couple of words he needs help with.  We were so proud of him.
Happy Jack enjoying a day at home with mommy.

I tried out a new pancake mix and was pleased with how fluffy they turned out. However, like the others, after being refrigerated they tend to get crumbly.  But Ryan doesn't seem to mind, as long as they have his mini chocolate chips in them!
I mixed Ryan's chocolate flavored almond milk in to some of the batter to make chocolate chocolate chip pancakes and they were yummy.  I enjoyed them, as well as Julia, who can immediately taste the difference when I try to sneak something GF into her diet.
I read a book this week called Love Anthony by Lisa Genova.  I've had it since September and finally took the time to read it, and am so glad I did.  A big thank you to my friend Bridget who works in the book selling business.  She knows me well enough to know I would like it, and generously surprised me with it when she came for a visit to meet Jack.  I think part of me had put off reading it because I knew it would be sad, and it was.  Not sad because the boy dies, but sad because of the reality of how many children are on the Autism Spectrum, and are misunderstood.  But it was more inspiring than sad.  It reminded me of how far Ryan has come over the past couple of years, blessed that he is verbal, and thankful that he is who he is.  Also, it makes me want to visit Nantucket one day!

Here is the summary written on the back cover:

Olivia Donatelli's dream of a "normal" life shattered where her son, Anthony, was diagnosed with autism at age three.  Understanding the world from his perspective felt bewildering, nearly impossible.  He didn't speak.  He hated to be touched.  He almost never made eye contact.  And just as Olivia was starting to realize that happiness and autism could coexist, Anthony died.  Now she's alone in a cottage on Nantucket, separated from her husband, desperate to understand the meaning of her sons' short life, when a chance encounter with another woman facing irreparable loss brings Anthony alive again for Olivia in a most unexpected way.  In a piercing story about motherhood, autism, and love, Lisa Genova offers us two unforgettable women on the verge of change who discover the small but exuberant voice that helps them both find the answers they need.

This story is so much more than simply autism, and even marriage, and I recommend it to everyone.  You don't need to have a child with autism or be married to connect with this book.  It is about communication, and we all communicate in some way.  I don't want to say much more since I feel the back cover already gives so many "spoilers".  Who wants to borrow it first???



  1. Hi Dawn! Glad to meet another blogging mom. I read a little about your son, and am glad the GF/CF lifestyle is going well. I'll be sure to keep up with how you guys are doing. Our psychiatrist just put our son, Rowen, on a powder supplement called "EmpowerPlus" by TrueHope. Here's to hoping that helps too! May I ask if you have ever had allergy testing or testing for Celiac in Ryan? We have thought a lot about the diet but he tested as not having that allergy. Our docs tell us not to worry about it, but I know the tests don't detect sensitivities though. Good for you guys for taking on such a lifestyle change to help your son. He's lucky to have you!

    1. I was reading through comments on Ty's blog and saw that you had a hyperlink over your name. Something drew me to your comment and name and when I clicked on it and saw that you write a blog similar to mine, I felt it was fate connecting us and that I had to reach out to you. I've been following Ty's story for years now (the family doesn't live far from us) and have mentioned him in my blog several times. I often read the comments but never paid much attention to who writes them, until this week. So I'm glad to have connected with you!

      Back in the spring of 2010 we took Ryan to a DAN doctor and they performed numerous blood tests on him. All of the tests together cost almost $2000 but everything you can think of was tested. We received pages and pages of information and there was a report with his sensitivities and the numbers associated with how severe. Even though a sensitivity is different than an allergy we began (and stuck with) the GFCF diet because of the wonderful changes we saw in Ryan, and most importantly how it made him feel. We've also done so much with supplements; they were a big part of our life for about a year and a half! I'm sure you have plenty on your plate, but if you get a free moment, we talk a lot about the supplements we used and blood test results back in a lot of our 2010 blog entries. I'm going to sign up to follow your blog so I can check in to see how you guys are doing. I hope Rowen finds success with his new powder supplement. Thank you for your kind words. I'm available if you ever have questions about the diet or anything we've done with Ryan! Feel free to contact me here or via my personal email:
