Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 91

Ryan had a good week and a busy weekend.  I made him flashcards of the site words he is working on in Kindergarten, and he did a great job.  There are 100 and we started with 6 of them.  Once he was able to recognize and read all of them back to me, I added another 6.  And then another 6.  So he is up to 18 words.  He struggles with a couple of them, but for the most part he has them memorized.  Julia participated in the same activities with us and learned how to read the same site words.  It was interesting to see the difference in how each of them handled the task at hand.  Ryan wanted me to read him the word, then he studied it, and somehow memorized it.  For the ones he didn't quite memorized I tried to get him to sound it out, but he had a lot of difficulty doing that.  He made numerous mistakes with the sounds that the letters made.  And most times, he just refused to sound it out, knowing he wouldn't be able to do it.  Julia didn't want me to tell her the word, or even help her sound it out.  She sounded each one out on her own, and was able to correctly read the word most times.  We already knew Ryan is a very visual learner, and now we know Julia is a very auditory learner.  We'll keep practicing the cards until we get up to knowing all 100!

Ryan did cheat a bit with his diet over the weekend as we visited family and friends, but overall he did a nice job.  Here are some pictures of our trip to Eastchester and Brooklyn on Sunday:

Hanging with his cousins!

New ornaments

Meeting my friend's baby for the first time.

With the anniversary of our first miscarriage passing this week, it was reassuring to get another ultrasound and hear that all is going exactly on track with this pregnancy.  By the way, Ryan would like us to name the baby "Batman Beyond".


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