Sunday, April 10, 2011

Week 51

This weekend Ryan attended my school's musical production of Beauty and the Beast.  He remained attentive during the show and enjoyed it.  He said that his favorite part was when the beast was fighting with the prince (Gaston) and when Belle and the Beast danced.  He seemed overwhelmed before and after the show while in the auditorium with so many people.  I tried introducing him to a few people but he wouldn't speak with anyone and would barely make eye contact.

Ryan's behavior at school this week was fairly good after a rough start on Monday.  His teacher called Phil in the afternoon to tell them about an incident at school.  Ryan was having a tough time listening and following directions for a good part of the day.  And then during afternoon snack Ryan was shoving several pretzels at a time into his mouth.  When his teacher asked him to stop he told her that she can't tell him how to eat and he was going to call the police on her and they would bring her to jail.  Needless to say we had a lengthy conversation with Ryan that evening.  I warned Ryan that he wouldn't be getting the Sodor Suspension Bridge for his birthday if he doesn't get good reports at school.  Ryan has been talking about this particular bridge for many months now and he would love to add it to his Thomas the Train collection.  My brother agreed to purchase it for him for his birthday and Ryan promised him that he would get good reports at school.  Ryan and I spoke about what he will need to do to make sure he gets a good report each day.  I was pleasantly surprised to hear Ryan come up with the following rules: Speak nicely to teachers.  Play nicely with friends.  Eat one pretzel at a time.  No cheating during games.  I asked Ryan to add "Help clean up" to the list.  While impressed that Ryan was able to recognize and communicate with us about appropriate behavior, displaying that appropriate behavior on a consistent basis is another story. 

Ryan can also display a funny side.  I want to share this exchange I recently had with him...

Ryan takes fake money out of his wallet, shows it to me, and starts the following conversation...
Ryan: I have $50.
Me: Where did you get $50 from?
Ryan: The $50 store!

On another note, Ryan's skin has settled down a bit.  It isn't as red and rashy as it has been recently, but it is still rough rather than smooth.  We were given a suggestion to try something on his skin called Almond Oil.  Phil purchased it this weekend at Nature's Pantry and we are going to try it on a small part of his body after this evening's bath.  

It's been nice dealing with Ryan's hair all week now that he has had a haircut.  It is more manageable and he liked the attention he received all week about his new haircut and his visit to the barber shop.

Save the date... Sunday, June 5th is the Autism Speaks walk.  We will be officially signing up our team online this week and we will share the link so that people can join the team or make a donation.  

Have a good week everyone!


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