Sunday, April 17, 2011

April 17th, Our One Year Blog Anniversary

On Saturday, April 17th, 2010, we began this blog. It marked the day we made our first attempt at switching Ryan to a GFCF diet. I went back to reread our first few entries and I had to chuckle at us thinking that we would keep Ryan on this diet for about 3-6 months. Now look at us... one year and going strong! And so much has changed since then.

We were so frustrated back then and this diet was so new to us. We relied on other people as the experts and we were in awe at how much these folks knew. Never did I think we would one day become the experts and have families rely on us. Over the past several months we've had people ask us for advice regarding food, doctors, books, recipes, etc. So many people helped us that it feels good to pay it forward. I'd like to share one of those pay if forward stories with you.

About 3 months ago a colleague of mine entered my room after school and the first words out of her mouth were, "I've been told to come and talk to you." She looked tired and frustrated and I knew all too well what she was feeling. She went on to explain that her son has a severe milk allergy and after many frustrating months of rashes, speech issues, and behavioral issues, they have found the root of the problem. Dairy. So she now needed to change his diet. We spent time over the next several days talking about food substitutes, where to shop, which brands tasted the best, food costs, behavioral changes, and ultimately how changing to a gluten free diet may also help. I shared books and recipes with her, and over the next couple of weeks she came in to my room to report lots of exciting advances. Not only was her son receptive to many of the changes, but her other kids as well. They were making a lifestyle change as a family, and everyone was feeling good. In addition, it was getting easier and easier, (just as I had promised her that it would) to shop for these substitutes. To top it off, she began receiving good reports from her son's school with teachers writing that they have seen positive changes in him. Not all of these people knew about the change in his diet; she purposely didn't share the news just to see if anyone noticed a different. And they certainly did! This encouraged her even more! Then recently she received a report from her son's speech teacher that he is doing so well that he will most likely test out of the program; she proudly forwarded that email to me. To protect confidentiality I don't want to share all of the details of the message she received from the teacher but I do want to share with you part of the email she sent to me:

Hi Dawn,
Wanted to share my good news with you since you were so helpful in getting us to this point. I know we have far to go but it is all beginning to come together for my son. Please read the email from (*my son's*) teacher that I received today. Thank you so so much for your advice and positive motivation for me. It has meant so much.

So when did we become the "experts"? I have no idea. But I'm glad that we can pay it forward and help others. I look back to when she entered my room and I promised her that in just a couple of short months all of this would be behind her and she would feel totally comfortable with the changes she would need to make. I didn't believe it for myself a year ago, but a lot has changed in a year. For anyone considering how this diet might help their child, we encourage you to try it. Don't give up!


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