Sunday, August 8, 2010

Week 16

Methyl-B-12 Injection

Methyl-B-12, a special form of vitamin B-12, also known as methylcobalamin, is a nutrient that boosts methylation.  Methylation is essentially the process of flushing toxins (mercury and toxins found in foods and the environment) from our system.  According to Dr. Bock, Methyl-B-12 can help the body get rid of toxins, including mercury, which is often the toxin that disrupted the methylation process in the first place.  In addition to assisting in detoxification, other benefits include improving cell membrane function, neurotransmitter and hormone metabolism, and neuronal healing.

On Friday, Ryan received his first injection (500 mcg) of Methyl-B-12.  Phil and I joked afterwards that we should have taken a picture to post here, but at the time we were consumed with so many things that the thought hadn't crossed our minds.  We first wanted to try the injection while Ryan was awake.  We applied the numbing cream in a small area above his buttocks and waited an hour for it to 'kick in'.  Ryan was fine with me putting on the cream and the bandaid to cover it.  He was NOT fine when I approached him with the needle.  We tried distracting him with a TV show and a lollipop, but he was very anxious and knew we were up to something.  So we decided to wait until he fell asleep.  Just before he went to bed we reapplied some numbing cream to be sure his skin would stay numb in case the first dose wore off by the time he fell into a deep sleep.

I reread my notes and instructions from the training and headed up to his room at about 10 pm.  He was fast asleep and Phil was able to roll him over to the side the cream was applied to.  I was extremely nervous that I would do something wrong.  The good thing is... the needle is very tiny and when inserting it on an angle there's no way you can penetrate too deep.  The bad thing... the needle is very tiny and my biggest fear was that I would break it in his skin during the process.  I worked myself up into a nervous wreck, but Phil calmed me down, and I administered it just fine.  The process was over in less than three seconds.  He didn't feel a thing, or at least we don't think he did, because he didn't budge from his sleep at all.  Now that I know what to expect, subsequent doses should go more smoothly.  His next dose is scheduled for Monday night, and this time it is 1000 mcg.  Once we observe him with that we'll call the doctor's office to let them know how things went with both doses and they will call in 10 more needles.

Ryan did great on Saturday, the day after the injection.  We were out of the house for over 12 hours with different activities that we had planned.  We met a friend at 10 am in Brookfield, CT.  Ryan and Julia jumped and slid down slides in inflatable castles for about 2 hours, we did some shopping, we went out to Applebees for lunch, and visited the Danbury Railroad Museum all before 4 pm.  On our way back home we were invited by friends to take the kids swimming in their pool, and we stayed there for dinner and dessert as well.  They had purchased a variety of foods that Ryan could eat and we had a lovely evening.  There were several preteens and college kids there and they were a big help keeping the kids busy.  Ryan was interactive with the children and the adults and did a good job transitioning from one activity to the next. 

I wish I could say the same for today.  We stayed home today and that may have been part of the problem.  He seemed to get into a rut.  He was very aggressive and physical with both me and Julia, and had several  major meltdowns throughout the day.  His OCD was also very active.  I did a heavy duty clean up in his room and he became very upset that his things were out of place.  He also seemed restless.  We brought the kids outside to play and he was all over the place.  He played with something for about 2 minutes and then moved on to the next thing.  Nothing seemed to keep his interest and he was very distractible.  But by the end of the night he was much calmer and he went to bed happy.

I'm not sure what part the injection played in the behaviors displayed on Saturday and Sunday but I guess time will tell once we get on a schedule with administering them.

Here are some pictures from our long Saturday filled with activities:

An update on the karate... on Thursday Ryan had a playdate with a little boy down the road.  His mom and I were talking about karate places in the area.  Ryan was in earshot of us. When the little boy left, Ryan told me he wanted to go to karate. I was so excited.  We got in the car and headed over.  He fell asleep on the way there so I had to wake him up when we arrived.  To our disappointment, the place was closed because the owners were on vacation!  We'll try again next week.


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