Sunday, June 10, 2012

Week 112

Ryan went to his follow up with the pediatrician and the fluid in his ears has cleared up.  The Claritan worked and we are grateful.  He will stay on it through the rest of June just to be sure he gets through the allergy season.  Next spring we will be better prepared to watch for signs of allergies and start him on the medicine earlier to avoid any fluid build up.

Julia lost her first tooth on Friday night and she was thrilled, especially since the tooth fairy brought her $5 just like Ryan got for his first tooth.

It's been a long and exhausting week with evening school events for both of us, and of course the travelling and emotions associated with the funeral for Uncle Tony.  I still can't believe that he is gone!  We received a lot of condolences and many people attended the services, both upstate and the memorial mass held in Westchester.  We greatly appreciate all of the support my family received this week!

One more week of Kindergarten left for Ryan.  Two more weeks of school left for me.  A little more than six weeks left until my due date.  The weekend events continue as we are still attending soccer games and ballet, but both of those are coming to an end over the next two weeks.  We attended a Christening this weekend and still have some other events in June like a baby shower and Julia's recital before we can have some care free weekends to spend up at nonna's and papa's pool before the baby arrives.

I'm chalking it up to "pregnancy brain" that I've been forgetful lately and unfortunately forgot my camera for the Christening we went to today.  Ryan had a great time playing with his cousins, but strayed terribly off of his diet. I hope we don't pay for it tomorrow!

We'll be sure to post pictures next week of Father's Day Weekend.


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