Sunday, June 19, 2011

Week 61

Happy Father's Day!

The kids absolutely adore Phil!  He is definitely a hands on kind of dad and always finds time for them, and me.  Here are pictures of them with the gifts they made at their schools. 

a tool belt from Ryan

a tool belt and hand drawn picture of daddy from Julia
a picture frame painted by Ryan

The front of Julia's card

The inside of Julia's card

Ryan's card; we were so surprised when we opened it up and saw it was from Ryan.  Look at all of the writing he did!

Inside of Ryan's card
The questions Ryan answered about Phil

This is Ryan's last week at PARC.  I know he will miss going there and we will certainly miss the comfort of knowing that he was there in great hands!  A HUGE thank you to all of the teachers and therapists that worked with Ryan this past year.  He has come such a long way and you have played a big part behind his success!  I know we posted these pictures last week during his graduation blog, but we're posting again to give another shout out to Ryan's teachers!

For graduation gifts, Ryan received lots of new letter and number books to help prepare him for Kindergarten.  Here he is practicing writing his letters, which is a big deal because he isn't too fond of writing.   

Ryan is not so great about sharing his things.  For weeks I've been trying to get him to agree to let his teacher borrow our copy of the movie Tangled.  He loves his teacher, but he wouldn't let her have the movie, even for just one night.  To Ryan, it's just "not right" for the movie to stay with someone else; it's his and it needs to stay home with us.  One day I was able to sneak her the movie without Ryan seeing, and we had to bribe Julia not to say anything because she of course doesn't miss a trick and notices everything!  On a similar note, Ryan puts together these elaborate train sets on the floor.  When he goes to bed, our cat likes to go sit inside the tracks, and I'm sure she does the same while we are at work/school.  I'm not sure Ryan would approve of sharing his train tracks with Helen!

When the kids are away, the cat will play!
Last week of school, hang in there everyone! 

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