We had yet another extremely busy weekend. I took the kids to see The Little Mermaid performance at my school. They both loved it and were excited to take pictures with some of the cast members.
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Also, Ryan had a soccer game and Julia had her Irish Dance Recital. She won a certificate for her performance in class all year and she was thrilled! And Ryan was so proud of her. After she performed on stage he tapped the shoulder of the woman sitting in front of him and said, "That was my sister!"
I forgot to mention in last week's blog that I was finally able to get all of the paperwork together needed to see if Ryan is eligible for services through OPWDD (Office for People with Developmental Disabilities). We mailed it to our local office and the intake coordinator told me it can take up to two months for our paperwork to be processed and for us to hear back if Ryan is eligible. It may take just as long to establish services if he is deemed eligible. Our primary request is for something called respite services. It is like "babysitting" and we are hoping we can schedule this during times when Ryan can work on his homework with the service provider. We are hoping he will respond more positively to someone else than he does to us. Unfortunately, even if approved, I can't see this starting before the end of this school year but we will be more than happy if something is put in place for the start of his second grade year in September.
Report cards were sent home this week and Ryan received a very typical report. There was improvement in several academic skills and still room for improvement in some of the behavioral areas. His reading level, which was reported as below level first quarter, then on level second quarter, was back to below level for third quarter. Ryan continues to have difficulty not calling out in some of his special classes where the structure is different than his co-taught classroom. We will be attending his annual review at the end of this week and I'm sure we will get more information across the board on how he is doing in regards to the testing that was completed.
We are into two weeks on the medicine (Fluoxetine which is also known as Prozac). Dr. Hahn said it may take three weeks for us to notice any positive changes. Ryan continues to have ups and downs, especially in the areas that the medicine was supposed to help with - his impulsivity and anxiety. I hate to say that I feel his behavior has been worse on some days since beginning the meds. But we will wait it out until our appointment in two weeks and then make a decision if it is working. It is a very low dose (5 mL). Maybe this is not enough of a daily dose to make a change. I don't know any other 6 year olds on this medication to compare their weight and what dose they are on. I guess this is something we will need to discuss with the doctor. On a positive note, Ryan takes the medicine with no problem. He does the syringe in his mouth all by himself at dinner time. It has a strong peppermint taste so he immediately follows it with a drink or bite of food. He complained the first couple of times but now there aren't any issues.
I sometimes feel like we don't say "Thank you" enough. Just about everyday I have someone reach out to me to check in on how Ryan and the entire family is doing. It is so greatly appreciated. The support reminds us that we are not alone and that there are so many people that care enough about our family to continue to stay updated through this blog. Many thanks!!!
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