Back to School!
This is a week that Dawn thought would never come, both Ryan and Julia start full day elementary school. Ryan made the transition without missing a beat. He completed the first day of first grade with no issues and really enjoyed the experience. We will see what happens when we start getting homework, but we are off to a good start. Below are some pictures of the first day of school.
Ready for first grade. |
Look out here come the Campbells! |
A sweaty mess after the first day! It was a hot day. |
Ready for day two! Julia taking the bus for the first time. |
In an effort to get the kids to help get ready for school Dawn came up with a chart for them to follow each morning. It is a challenge getting the two of them ready, having Jack, and the neighbor's son is also joining Dawn and the kids waiting for the bus. The list is make your bed, get dressed (we lay out clothes the night before), eat breakfast, brush your teeth, comb your hair, go to the bathroom, get your shoes on, and get ready for the bus. So far, this chart has worked and they are excited to check off each item. Our goal is to make this part of the routine that they will no longer need the chart.
Off to a good start! |
Dad and all three children. |
We had an engagement party this weekend for Jimmy and Mary's son at the Sunset Cove in Tarrytown. Ryan cheated a lot with his diet but his behavior was good. Hopefully it will continue as we have a full week of school.
Watching a video at the party. |
Watching the ducks in the river. |
Mommy and Ryan! |
On the baby front, Jack has started to sleep through the night. He is now sleeping 7 to 9 hours a night. Hopefully he continues that trend and below is a link to a happy baby after a good nights sleep.
Happy Baby Jack video
We started soccer this week for both Ryan and Julia. We did not get any pictures of Ryan this weekend because his game was during the tornado watch for our area. We actually got the game in and he did great. No goals but he played great defense and played in the rain. Last year, he would have never played in the rain. However, this week he played in the rain and had a great time. It was also an easier transition because most of his soccer team are repeaters from last year. He walked onto the field knowing the majority of the team and what was expected of him during the game. He actually tried to help a few of the new players that never played by showing them what they needed to do and where to line up to start the game.
We also began our Religious education classes on Saturday as well. It is an hour and a half and we were worried about how he was going to handle the class. In our mind it is one more day of school. However, the Sister in charge brought in a special education teacher, who is a volunteer to help in his class. He came out of the class with a big smile on his face and told me that it was a lot of fun. He also asked us if we knew who created everything? God.
We had a good week with Ryan and we hope that this continues. We know that we will have our ups and downs this year with Ryan but so far we are off to a good start.
PC (photos by DC)
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