Some reminders about upcoming events: April is Autism Awareness month. And April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day. In honor of this event, many buildings around the globe will light their buildings up blue on the evening of April 1st. We'll certainly be lighting up our house blue! Don't forget to do the same (they actually sell "Autism Speaks" blue light bulbs!) and on Monday, April 2nd, wear blue! Also, we will again be participating in this year's Autism Speaks walk in White Plains on Sunday, June 3rd. We're in the process of setting up our page to sign up to join our team or make a donation. More information to follow about that. But in the meantime, if you are interested in walking, please let me know so that I can keep you updated. And we are also in the process of ordering additional Ryan Express shirts since last year's supply is just about depleted. So if you would like to order one, please let us know.
Happy Anniversary (a week early) Nonna and Papa! |
With all of this recent warm weather, Ryan and Julia have been enjoying themselves outside whether playing with each other, or with friends. Unfortunately one evening we found a tick embedded in Ryan's scalp and he was extremely upset as Phil removed it. He said he wasn't going to go outside anymore but thankfully that wasn't the case the rest of the week.
We went for our check up with the specialist and we will have to return in 4 weeks again. Although the spots on the baby's heart increase the risk of a down syndrome baby, overall the risk was still on the low side and we didn't feel it was necessary to accept their offer to perform an amnio. The doctor also discovered some bright spots on the bowels that they will continue to monitor. Here is an updated ultrasound photo:
One of Ryan's homework assignments this week was to write two sentences, then draw a picture related to those sentences. He fought me a bit to do the assignment but once he did, Ryan did a great job.
His sentences say: I was in bed. I was dreaming about my tooth. |
Ryan drew himself in bed, with a thought cloud above his head. He is dreaming about the tooth fairy (in pink) handing him many different denominations of money. Underneath himself and the money (it is difficult to read in the picture) he wrote "momy love". I asked him what that said and he said, "mommy loves me". |
He can be so creative and it is so amazing to sit there and watch him write and draw. Once he gets into concentration mode he stays focused on the task at hand. I am so proud of him!
um omg his writing is AMAZING! And he's only in Kindergarten! I would be impressed....that's better than some 3rd graders I've had lol.