Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week 75

Dr. Kolker

Ryan went for his checkup at the ENT.  Dr. Kolker said his ear is healing nicely.  Phil gave Julia his IPhone to keep her occupied during the appointment and here are some pictures she took of Ryan during his check up.

Ryan came home with a story he learned from school about a hen, a mouse, a cat, and a dog.  He colored the paper and cut them out and used the pieces to tell a story about a hen who plants seeds, grows wheat, and turns it into flour to make a cake.  The animals don't want to help the hen do any of the work but all want to participate in the eating of the cake.  Over the course of the week Ryan has proudly told us and others this story.  Each time it changes slightly in regards to the words he uses, but the gist of the story stays the same.  Here's the video on You Tube.

In last week's blog entry Phil talked about the visit to Dr. Cowan and how he showed that Ryan thinks in pictures.  We repeated this activity with my parents this weekend and this time got it on video. 

Ryan's behavior has been up and down this week.  We even got our first "bad" report from Kindergarten that Ryan was unwilling to do his work one morning.  It was the day after an evening soccer practice and Ryan had numerous mosquito bites on his face and he was itchy and fidgety.  However, that very same day when I went to pick up the kids from their afternoon school, his teacher there said Ryan did an excellent job in the writing center that afternoon. 

I think Ryan has been struggling trying to get back into the swing of a routine and he is so busy that he is tired.  I can certainly relate as this past week was a difficult one for me as well having a full week at school with lots going on.  And I don't think it is going to get any easier in October or November as we have numerous events going on each and every weekend.  I guess it is better to be busy than bored, but I don't think any of us would mind a little down time now and again!

And I'll end with what happened at bedtime last night.  Ryan says to me, "Mommy, I love you a lot."  Me: "How much is a lot?"  Ryan, opening his arms wide, "All the way to my back." 


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