Sunday, July 3, 2011

Week 63

Ryan had a great Fourth of July weekend!  Let's start with the brownies.  There are lots of GF, and even many GFCF brownie recipes and box mixes out there, but it is not always easy to find an egg free mix.  Cherrybrook Kitchen makes a GFCF egg free brownie mix.  It's an okay tasting brownie, but the best part is that it is easy to make.  It doesn't call for a lot of ingredients and it is convenient in a pinch.  Making a recipe from scratch may give better tasting results, but Ryan really seems to enjoy these!

For his PARC graduation Ryan received a Melissa and Doug wooden train to paint from grandma.  He's asked several times and it was never a good time to take out the paints and work on this project with Ryan.  But this week we finally had an opportunity to work on it.  He sat with me for about an hour gluing the wheels on the axel, painting the train, and putting on the decals.  Ryan did most of it by himself.  He was patient and he tried really hard to do a good job.  He looked at the picture on the box and wanted his train to look exactly the same. 

So proud of the finished product!

Video:  Ryan's train

Ryan and Julia checking out the tent at papa's house

roasting marshmallows

Ryan having fun in the pool with his family

This week Ryan also went to camp at Noah's Ark for four days.  Besides swimming both morning and afternoon Ryan participated in lots of other activities.  Here are some pictures that were posted by the staff at Noah's Ark.
Ryan making pretzels with Ms. Jessie

Yes, he's petting a snake!

The class made smores one day.  Ryan couldn't eat the chocolate and graham crackers but he still looks so happy with his friends and content just eating the marshmallow.
I'll end with a quote that I just read on the Autism Speaks Facebook page:

"To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone." -Reba McEntire


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