Asking for prayers this week but for someone else...
In lieu of the time you would have spent on our blog this week, we are asking that you read about a little three year old boy named Ty Louis Campbell. He is fighting a rare and aggressive cancer. I choose "fighting" because that is exactly what he is doing. We've been following this blog since the fall and it is impossible to read without shedding tears. It is also impossible to read without reflecting on your life and appreciating what you have. Whenever I complain about something I feel so guilty, more so than ever since Ty has entered my virtual world. Just looking at his picture and knowing what he is going through certainly helps to put things into perspective.
Here's the link to Ty's blog: http://tylouis.blogspot.com/ Please read Ty's story and keep him in your prayers. Your prayers are working for Ryan... I hope they do the same for Ty because he needs a miracle! May God bless Ty and his family!
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