Sunday, August 1, 2010

Week 15


It wasn't until this week that I saw a side of Ryan where self-confidence was nonexistent.  In my mind he is always the kid trying out new things and being a dare-devil, especially during physical "rough-housing" activities.  The faster the movement, the more Ryan likes it. 

He was invited on a play date to a local park.  He had no fear on the playground as he climbed all over the place.  He even climbed up sides of the equipment that weren't meant for climbing.  He tried the monkey bars several times, but was unsuccessful.  It didn't seem to bother him and he moved on to his next quest.  It got me thinking that it would be great for Ryan to have something all year round enabling him to exert energy but also develop some focus and self control.  I thought, "What activity could do that better than karate?"

I was very excited with the thought of introducing him to the art of karate.  I brought him to a place that offers karate classes to children Ryan's age.  We were in luck... there was a 3-5 year old class going on at that moment and a second one was going to start in 10 minutes.  I signed Ryan up for a two-week trial and let him observe the class going on.  He watched the kids through the waiting room window and seemed somewhat interested in what they were doing.  I was surprised that he wasn't begging me to allow him to run into the room and join in.  When the class was finished the children waiting in the room lined up to go in for their class.  I told Ryan he could join that class but he didn't want to.  He watched them do warm-ups and some simple stretching activities.  One of the instructors encouraged Ryan to join them several times, as did I, but Ryan's response was to put his head down and say "it's too hard" and "I can't do that". 

I had never seen this side of Ryan.  Physical activities, especially involving gross motor skills, have always been his strong suit.  It was very discouraging and it made me extremely sad to see him that way and to hear the words he was saying.  I think it made other parents in the waiting room sad to see Ryan this way too, and a couple of people sent their children over to Ryan to talk to him about some of the things they do in their karate class. 

Needless to say we left the building without Ryan ever stepping foot into the gym area.  Maybe Ryan was having an off day and he'll want to try it next time.  I will definitely bring him back another day to try again. 

On another note, we had a fairly good week regarding food, supplements, and medicine.  Ryan finished the Gentamycin and is doing well with the Nystatin.  He'll be ready for the B12 injections next week.  We added a new supplement on the list... Iodine.  Within 2 hours of him taking the first dose he was "off the wall".  He was cranky and irritable and not at all himself.  We chalked it up to the introduction of a new supplement and hoped for different results the next time.  And the next day he took the Iodine and was fine with it.  I'm embarrassed to say that I don't know why the Iodine was suggested by Dr. Bock.  He may have mentioned why but I don't remember.  I did a quick search online but wasn't able to make a clear cut connection.  And I tried looking over his lab results but it's all "Chinese" to me. 

We need to get Ryan an appointment with his ENT for a check up with the tubes in his ears.  They may need to be surgically removed since they have not fallen out on their own yet.  Also, Ryan's speech therapist mentioned something about the nasal area and is writing a note for us to share with the ENT at our next appointment.


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