Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 6

Today Ryan was feeling like his old self. We tried a cereal bar as part of his breakfast that we had gotten from Mrs. Greens and he did not like it. It was a Banana and "chocolate" chip bar. He took one bite and the rest came home in a plastic sandwich bag. We are still trying to add variety to his diet yet still maintain our sanity (and wallet). This diet is so expensive, I am not sure how some people can afford all these different food options. As was posted earlier our food bill has tripled!

On a good note when I picked Ryan up today the teachers had snack set up for the rest of the class. Ryan was walking around the table looking at the snack (which looked like a party mix or left overs from previous days). He did not even whine or demand that he wanted some. He recognized that this was not for him and did not make a big deal about it. Before this diet he would have been losing his mind that he was not getting his snack. He simply asked for his snacks.

Dinner tonight was more corn pasta and we found a vegan cheese that you can sprinkle onto the pasta. While he did not eat as much as he did last time he still ate the food without complaint. We just have to get used to the fact that he is not eating as much. In the past he would devour bowl after bowl of pasta. We always thought he was such a good eater but perhaps he was craving the gluten and/or casein. Hopefully his appetite will come back as he gets used to the new food.

We still are not having any luck in the milk area. We gave him rice milk to try tonight with no luck. We may have to try some of these "milks" in cereal and see if he will take it that way. If not then we have to figure out a way to get him his vitamin D and calcium. We will have to wait and see.


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