Monday, August 27, 2012

Week 123

Remember in the beginning of the summer when Ryan called that train video company for a catalog?  Well it finally came in the mail this week.  He was so proud and happy to receive mail and that it came because he made the phone call.

During the week I drove the kids (my three and my brother's two girls) up to my mom's house for a couple of days.  Ryan asked me to take some pictures of him with his "BFF".  This is one of my favorites from our "photo shoot".

Ryan always has a pretty good appetite, but especially so when he is in the upstate air.  He's grown so much these past two months.  He looks much older than a newly turned 6 year old.  His body is lean and muscular, and of course he is so tall!  Here are some pictures of Ryan this week that make my heart skip a beat when I see them.  He has come so far the past couple of years!

Practicing for soccer season

Helping papa fix the lawnmower.  It looks like he knows what he is doing!

Mower fixed and time for all of the kids to take a spin!

Look at that lean and strong physique!

Doing a great job swimming in the deep end of the pool.

Speaking of the pool, the kids played several games of "Simon Says" with nonna and then I decided to spice it up a little.  Simon Says...

I love the end of this video when all of the girls jump in but Ryan waited to watch nonna and make sure she was okay.  I think it is so cute and shows Ryan's sensitive caring side.

Fun with cousins during a weekend visit.

Amelia's 8th Birthday Party

As a teacher I never thought I'd say this, but this is the first time as a mom that I can't wait for this school year to begin.  My kids are in desperate need of getting back in to a routine.  And they need some separation from each other and me!


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Week 121

My three angels

Ryan loves having Jack around, except maybe when he is crying.  We explained to him that all babies cry, especially when they are uncomfortable and getting their diaper changed.  When Jack cries, Ryan often covers his ears, or leaves the room.  

About five minutes after Ryan went to bed the other night, he came back downstairs holding a book.  He was anxious to show us a picture in it and said to us, "Look, this baby doesn't cry when he gets his diaper changed."  : )  And indeed, the baby in the picture is smiling!

Jack enjoyed his second bath.  Ryan was happy Jack didn't cry this time!

Jack- three weeks old
 On Friday, Ryan came up to me and gave me a hug.  He was crying.  When I asked him why he said that he was sad because he missed Helen and that she didn't get to meet Jack.  It's been raining the past two days but this week we'll go out to Helen's grave site with Jack to say hello.  I hope this will make him feel a little bit better about it.

Saturday the 11th was my dad's birthday, but it also marked the two year anniversary of Ty Campbell's cancer diagnosis.  We've been following Ty's story for almost the entire two years now and it is heartbreaking, yet inspiring at the same time as you watch this little boy fight the fight.  It makes me feel grateful for all we have and when I hear my children claim, "This is the worst day ever!" when they don't get their way, I tell them how lucky they are and how much worse their day could really be. I know they don't understand now, but one day they will. Here is a link to the video posted for Ty's 2 years of fighting cancer.  I will show this to Ryan and Julia and we will say a prayer for Ty.  Please do the same.
Ty Campbell


Sunday, August 5, 2012

Week 120

It was another busy week adjusting to life with Jack.  We took Jack to our friend's house for dinner for his first outing, and also to nonna's and papa's house for his first trip upstate.  I was glad to do it, especially for Ryan and Julia.  It gave them an opportunity to play and swim with their cousins, who were also visiting nonna and papa. 

An early birthday celebration with papa.

Julia went to dance camp again this week so it was just me with my boys.  Since Ryan had been home all week he was excited to get out of the house a bit and have a play date with our neighbor's son. He had so much fun that he didn't want to come home.  Our neighbor planned to walk him back over when it was time for them to leave and go somewhere, but Ryan didn't want to go so she called us and Phil went over to get him.  We had forgotten to tell her that Ryan will need timed warnings when it is time to go.  Without the "5-minutes-to-go" and "2-minutes-to-go" warnings, he has difficulty stopping what he is doing to make an immediate transition.  

During the week we planned Julia's birthday party.  Julia asked me if it was going to cost $5 and I told her it would be more than that.  Ryan ran and got his wallet, and pulled out two $10 bills and gave it to us.  He said that he wanted to help pay for Julia's birthday party.  Where does he get this stuff from??? Too cute!

The kids enjoy watching The Olympics on TV

No fear!

Enjoying his remote control car/submarine 

Jack's first trip upstate... happy to be in the country air!

Julia lost her 2nd tooth!

Nonna with her grandchildren.