Last weekend was Phil's surprise 40th birthday party. Family and friends gathered to share in the celebration. Thank you to everyone who has made this a memorable week for Phil! Here are some photos taken the day of the party.
The celebrations continued all week with another cake at Phil's school and upstate at my parents' house.
Phil's fourth cake; one for each decade! |
Ryan went for his 6 year old well visit check up this week. The doctor said he grew 3 inches since last year's check up. He's also now 68 pounds, bringing his height and weight off the percentile chart for his age. He had some difficulty with the hearing test in his left ear and sure enough, the doctor said there was some fluid in it. This was the ear that he needed to have the tube removed from back in September because it was in too long without falling out on its own. The pediatrician suggested we give him Claritan or Zyrtec each night for two weeks in case the fluid is allergy related, and bring him back in two weeks to see if it is dried up. If not, it is back to the ENT to monitor and see if a tube needs to be reinserted. We're hoping that the allergy meds help the fluid, but also help his skin. He's had a lot of skin flareups the past few weeks and over the years of dealing with his skin issues, we never related it to seasonal allergies. Even these recent flare ups we chalked up to the cheating he's been doing on his diet with all of these weekend outings and events we've had.
Over Memorial Weekend we spent a couple of days up at my parents' house which we figured would be a tad more relaxing than staying home. At home the "To Do" list continues to stare at me, and I can use a break! At my doctor's appointment this week, I was told that I have a virus and my body needs rest to get rid of it. I've had a temperature that has been lingering on and off all week, and I've begun to see a chiropractor for the leg and back pain I'm experiencing. So we headed upstate and as usual, the kids had a fabulous time. My cousin was up there with her family as well, making it an even better visit for the kids!
Sunday, June 3rd, is the Autism Speaks Walk in White Plains. If you can join us, please let me know. Julia is proudly sporting her new green hair extension to match our Ryan Express shirts. If you are unable to come to the walk but would like to donate, please visit our team's page: The Ryan Express Team Donation Page