One hundred weeks...WOW!
Ryan's bottom tooth has been loose for about a week now. I picked him up after school and he was ecstatic to tell me that his tooth fell out. He was equally excited to leave it under his pillow for the tooth fairy and he commented, "I hope she brings me a coin or dollar because she lives in the sky and has a lot of money."
The next morning Ryan was thrilled when he found money under his pillow instead of his tooth. Here's the video of his reaction:
A Visit From The Tooth Fairy
One of my former students asked me if she could interview me about Ryan, so that she could write an article about him and Autism in her school's newspaper. She recently sent me her write up in a Word Doc and gave me permission to share it on our blog. Unfortunately I haven't figured out how to get it embedded into the blog yet. I'll keep trying some different things because I would like you all to read it; she did a great job!
This week I went for my Anatomy scan, and let me first say, we did not find out the sex of the baby and do not plan to. In fact, we're not going to settle on a name until the end as well, and will keep that a surprise too. Here are a few photos from the ultrasound:
I need to go see a specialist tomorrow afternoon because the ultrasound showed some spots developing on the baby's heart. Please say a prayer!
What a great St. Patrick's Day weekend. The weather was gorgeous and we were super productive. The kids stayed outside all afternoon Saturday playing and helping us clean the cars and clean out the garage. They even spent some time jumping.
We ended Saturday with my brother's family coming over for a corned beef dinner. Here's a photo of our little Irish girl:
This morning I walked into Ryan's room and to my surprise this is what I found:
Without asking him to, Ryan made his bed this morning. This was a first! He wasn't even looking for recognition because he didn't come to tell me that he did it. But when I saw it on my own and praised him for it, he was proud!
Another gorgeous weather day on Sunday with a visit from friends of ours as well as Grandma.
The kids enjoyed their bubbles from grandma. They continued to play with them the rest of the day! |